
A Vanishing of Patriotism and an Emergence of Extremism 消えかけた愛国主義と極端主義の台頭

With the implementation of the law regarding the national flag and anthem in 1999, Hakubun Shimomura, the current cabinet of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture required all government run universities nationwide to sing the national anthem on all special occasions, such as entrance and graduation ceremonies.

Yet of 86 national universities, according to the survey of Asahi Shinbun, one of the leading newspapers in Japan, only 11 conducted the anthem in the entrance ceremonies this year.

Some professors explained that they had to consider the international students who were not familiar with the anthem. This explanation, which is like a mere excuse, is not conceivable enough for me because Japan in general doesn't take into consideration minority people.

Left-Wing groups fiercely opposed that the requirement of singing the anthem was utterly against freedom of expression, moreover, its lyrics implies nothing more than Militarism coupled with Fascism; "Kimi", the very first word of the anthem, as one of the assumptions says, implies "sovereign", which is the Japanese emperor, who was considered the very figure who induced the Japanese to get into war.

Many, if not most, Japanese people have a misconception about "Patriotism", which has been vanishing since the loss of World War II.

The said Left-Wing people don't seem to have identity as Japanese. Rather, thier feelings have been stirred with fierce anger towards the Japanese imperialism back then, which have been holding them back for a long time.

Shifting Collectivism to Individualism after the war might have changed our attitude towards the nation. Some liberated Japanese insist that whether or nor they stand up and sing the anthem should be entrusted in their will, which brings up other cases and comparisons on how other countries handle this issue.

Those people don't have a sense of Patriotism either, but are full of selfishness, and ironically speaking, they are just swamped with "False Individualism".

I want to raise my voice that the national flag and anthem are symbols of our nation. How do you identify and differ yourself form other people without any symbolic things? Individualism no longer exists at that point.

Incidentally, some lyrics of the national anthem can be found in Kokin-waka shu, the old Japanese poetry composed over 1,000 years ago.

To the point that the poem was read for the noble people at that time, the lyrics contains respectable meanings; a time when a man and a woman respect and love each other that lasts forever, strengthening the bond and trust, which would be connected to the next generation.

The national anthem is neither about Militarism nor the emperor worship, but sung about the spirit of the religion, "Shinto".

Patriotism should not be treated lightly because it also tells us how to love ourselves and people around us.

The most terrifying thing is Extremism, like the Left-Wing people that I mentioned.

Source: Hans, B. 2008. Showa Japan.


My Journey to English Mastery 英語マスターへの道

The 2020 Olympics that will be held in Tokyo seems to spur the Japanese to English proficiency.

From language schools and online schools to various English textbooks at bookstores, we Japanese have a lot of English-learning materials and plenty of opportunity.

The number of English learners in Japan, in the past few years, has been drastically increasing in response to the sensation, but of those people, how many are actually adept in the language, ranging from conversational skill to formal speaking skill. I think it is very few.

In my case, I have been eager to keep studying English since I made up my mind to enroll at a university in the Philippines.

I have tried as many English-learning methods as possible to find one that is suitable for me.

Sometimes, I desperately felt frustrated when those methods didn't work for me, and I saw so many corrections on a written exam in English, which utterly discouraged me from studying English further.

That is because, I can see myself beck then, I was craving for the instant gratification.

Until I realized that, I had been quite defensive and emotional, making excuses, which might be considered a form of defense mechanism, when someone pointed out mistakes in my English.

Some people are prone to take it personally when being severely corrected by someone.

Ashamed, I used to be one of them. However, I came to realize that I could never endure learning English in the sate of mind in which emotion overpowers reason.

Starting to blame our poor English performance on textbooks that we bought at a bookstore, we question, "Why did we want to study English in the first place?".

Language mastery seems to challenge us. Rather, learning challenges our emotional aptitude, testing our patience, delaying gratification, and self-control; it is not all about linguistic competence.

To be honest, I am not in an environment surrounded by 100 % English speakers.

That is why I am little bit envious of Japanese students who study in a native English speaking country, such as America, England, and Australia, which are the most popular destinations for English learning.

However, I still want to prove to those people that I can understand and use English, even if I study in the Philippines.

This is good motivation to propel me forward in learning English.

My story aside, motivation is also the key to English mastery.


My journey to English mastery is still ongoing.


Do Japanese companies open the door or shut the door to foreigners? 日本企業は外国人に門戸を開くか、それとも門前払いか?

As of now, Japanese firms open the door to people from overseas for the sake of globalization "technically".

Recruiting foreigners might be a part of their strategy to show their tolerance towards accepting foreigners, which also attracts Japanese fresh graduates.

With the aging population in Japan, the decline in birth rate is one of the biggest concerns in the country, which would cause the labor scarcity in the future.

To compensate it, Japan has to take steps that revitalize its entire economy beforehand.

In fact, a lot of Japanese companies are not ready for the reception of foreigners, albeit they already have started recruiting.

What do I mean by that?

Japanese companies require applicants form overseas to possess at least Nihongo level 2 in Japanese language proficiency Test (JLPT). On top of that, they expect that those applicants already understand and use business Japanese.

Considering the number of Japanese learners who are capable of that, it seems like they already shut the door to foreign applicants who desire to work for them.

Japanese companies don't want to take a risk of hiring foreigners who cannot speak decent Japanese in every business setting because they consider that the use of unpolished Japanese would cause the loss of credibility of their clients.

Focusing too much on the Japanese skills of a foreign applicant in recruiting seems to be another story. Whether the applicant brings profit for a Japanese company really matters. For example, if the company is aiming for its expansion to an oversea country, people who can communicate and negotiate with locals there can be the key to success.

Japanese companies need to rethink the nature of inviting foreigners, and should stop treating them as second-class people.


Positive and Negative results of the American occupation アメリカ占領による利害関係

Emilio Aguinaldo, one of the revolutionaries as well as the first president of the Philippines, declared the Philippines independence from Spain on June 12, 1898, which resulted in the end of the Spanish colonization that lasted for almost 300 years.

However, the Filipinos would never expect that the independence was actually the start of the American occupation, although America joined the Philippines' side to aid them to be independent.

After the surrender of Spain, the Philippines was bought for $ 20,000,000 by America in accordance with Treaty of Paris. The Filipinos strongly resented the betrayal of America, which brought them to Philippine - American War (1898 - 1902).

The war caused over 4,000 causalities in the American side, and 1.5 million causalities in the Philippines' side, including its civilians. Since American troops massacred Filipino rebels who were against America and claimed for the independence,

the number of Filipino causalities considerably increased. "KILL EVERY ONE OVER TEN", which was the caption in the New York Journal cartoon, affirmed that the massacre actually happened.

After the capture of Emilio Aguinaldo, the Philippines were colonized by America in 1902.

A lot of things are done during the American occupation, some of which brought some benefits to the Philippines and some didn't, rather caused some confusions.

Positive results:

  1. Progress in Education (教育の促進)
  2. Public Health and Welfare (福利厚生)
  3. Transportation and Communication (交通と電話)
  4. Literature and Language (文学と言語)
I would like just to focus on no. 1 and 2 this time. Some people are wondering why the Filipinos can speak English. Here is the brief answer: "because of the American occupation".

The Filipinos during the Spanish colonization were encouraged to learn Spanish language and Christianity which was compulsory.

But, America, conversely, discourage them from learning the language in favor of English, and made the subject related to the religion optional.

Government examinations were even conducted in English, thus, the language became critical in all schools, which today explains why English is understood throughout the Philippines.

Negative results:

  1. A replacement Filipino goods with American ones (アメリカ商品への交換)
  2. The de-Filipinization (脱フィリピン化)
With the establishment of free trade between America and the Philippines, it enabled both to export and import their own goods.

However, Philippine exports are limited: hemp, sugar, and tobacco only were allowed to entry American markets. While America exports were unlimited. Thus, eventually American goods shifted "luxuries" to "necessities", which led to the loss of Philippine delicacies .

Most Filipinos probably think that something from America is always good without any logical evaluations, which has sunk into the subconscious of them.

That kind of mindset inevitably makes the Filipinos think that "something from our country is inferior" without any logical evaluations.

The Filipinos have been in confusion as ever and suffering from the side effect of the American occupation.

Teodoro A. 2012. History Of The Filipino People. C & E Publishing, Inc: Quezon City, Philippine


METRO MANILA (independent film) メトロマニラ

I have watched an interesting film so I am going to share my review of it with you here.

A family from the province of Banaue, which is widely known for the Rice Terraces and registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site, came to down to Metro Manila to make a living.

Oscar, the father of the family as well as a farmer who used to serve as a solider for four years, was hired by an Armed Truck Company after his struggling in Metro Manila.

He never knew that he would be exposed to the dangers of his job, and the equivalent of his life is just 500 pesos a day.

His wife, Mai, also grabbed the opportunity to work as a dancer in a bar, which was an undesirable job for her. However, since the family cannot survive with only her husband's income, she decided to work at the bar.

Sean Ellis, the British director of this film, is also a photographer, which explains the artistic aspects of the film. The landscape of the Rice Terraces shown at the very first scene of the film was a breathtaking art itself.

But, the film was more focused on the dark side of Metro Manila; money, greed, the sex industry, betrayal, and murder.

Oscar was portrayed as an innocent and loyal man, and at the same time, as a naive man, a personality that caused him trouble most of the time.

Sometimes poverty deprives people of reason, which might induce desperate actions that would end up to committing a crime.

How can we judge those people who committed a crime to escape from poverty? How should we judge people who became prostitutes for a living. Do you see these things as vice or virtue?

This film makes me think and poses a lot of questions at me.

The best movie among the recent ones that I have watched so far.



Is It All Their Faults? それは全て彼らのせい?

To a lot of Japanese companies, the Philippines is one of the biggest potential countries following Indonesia.

UNIQLO, the biggest clothing company in Japan, for example. has branches expanding rapidly, especially around Metro Manila.

FamilyMart, too, teamed up with Ayala, the biggest and the most prestigious real estate company in the Philippines, already has started launching and expanding its branches nationwide.

Japanese people who are aware of this growing economy in the country want to make it big in starting up their businesses by jumping into the bandwagon.

Starting business here is not that costly unless they are choosy about locations. The electric bill is still expensive; the labor is much cheaper though.

Those business-starting conditions are not bad; however, many Japanese are struggling with getting their businesses on the right track.

I think, that is because the Philippines is considered a country where businessmen have a hard time keeping them afloat.

Some Japanese claimed that they were fooled by their Filipino business partners, which seems either pathetic or foolish but the proportion of the incident happening is sort of high.

In my opinion, people who are fooled also have some faults to some degree; they might not have had business sense from the start, have lacked English skills and understanding of a different culture, or might not have been able to gain credibility.

You cannot determine that only one factor triggers failures when you failed on something.

My point is that it is not a good thing to blame everything that led you to failures on your Filipino business partners and broadcast it, making it exaggerated.


Selfie - Modern disease? 自撮りは現代病か?

2014年3月10日に出版されたTIME (アメリカの週刊雑誌)によると、ビジネス街、そして最も忙しい場所で知られているフィリピンのマカティ市は、今世界で最も自撮りが撮られている市です。
Makati City, known for a business district and the busiest city in the Philippines, is now the capital of selfie of the world, according to TIME, the American weekly news magazine, dated March 10, 2014. 

Since I myself live in Makati, I often see a lot of Filipinos taking selfies saying, "picture, picture tayo!", though some of them sometimes get in the way when I am walking.

The Filipinos seem to cherish every single moment. That is why they want to keep it as a memory by taking a picture. 

In my opinion, it is fine to take a picture when people have a special occasion, but I don't see the point of taking pictures of daily life. 


The reason why I think like that is because, probably, I am not that type of person who wants to expose my own pictures to any social sites. 

Some studies have already revealed the psyche of people who are addicted to taking pictures of themselves. 

Basically, they post their own pictures because they are confident about their looks. However, on the flip side, they have intense desire that they want to be acknowledged by other people, which indicates low-esteem and lack of confidence. 

The act of taking a lot of selfies sometimes triggers Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), which is a disorder that a person spends a lot of time worrying about his appearance.

The phenomenon of selfie-taking has been happening not only in the Philippines, but also around the world. If someone already suffers from this modern disease, it can be referred to as the compensation of developed technology.