
Japanese and Propaganda 平和ボケについて考える

According to the study of a ranking of the world's safest city, of 50 cities in the world, Tokyo was named for safest city.

それゆえ、日本人は平和ボケしているなんて言われることもあります。英語ではpeople living in a fool's paradiseです。
Thus, sometimes we are called "Heiwa-boke", which can be translated "people living in a fool's paradise" in English.

In my opinion, there seems to be another reason why we are called like that.

I slightly realized that Japanese newspapers, most of the time, focus too much on news happening within Japan. Even if they pick up big news from foreign press, the chance for the front page is quite slim.

Sometimes, there is a foreign news, which might affect our entire county, should be streamed by the Japanese media. Even so, they still try to prioritize news in Japan.

With easy access to the internet, ordinary individuals can check for foreign news everyday. However, when pursuing truths behind it, perhaps called "conspiracy", you will find out most resources available on the internet are written in English.

That is why English is very significant. Not only do we get a high-paying job, but also we can understand such truths.

Some Japanese people believe that Japan is one of the world-centered countries, so they don't have to learn any other language. Those kinds of people are the "Heiwa-boke".

Incidentally, when foreign press broadcasts Japanese news, to my surprise, they are more accurate than Japanese press when it comes to the negative sides.

It is rather apparent that they don't want us to be in a panic or feel insecure, however, their intention is actually to have us interpret by their own measure or bias.

This is no longer caring but propaganda.

We have to have awareness of the danger .

The Japanese people who are easily brainwashed by propaganda can also be called "Heiwa-boke".


What is the meaning of Suki of Suki-yaki すき焼き?

Suki-yaki, the Japanese national food, is probably known to the world because of the song, "SUKIYAKI", sung by Kyu Sakamoto, who was one of the most famous national Japanese singers.

You have to prepare a pot where beef and vegetables are placed. Beef should be sauteed in the pot before poring Suki-yaki sauce which is made up of soy sauce, sake, and sugar.

"Yaki" means "saute" or "Grill", therefore, the word makes sense for this food.

But, what about "Suki"?

"Suki" actually derives from the name of a farming tool.

Japanese originally didn't have a custom to eat beef, above all, eating it had been strictly prohabited in the early Edo era.

However, even so, farmers at that time ate grilled beef hiding with a spade, Suki in Japanese.

That's why our national food is caled "Suki-yaki"!

According to further research of the beef-eating custom in Japan, Eta (えた) and Hinin (非人), who were the lowest class people during Edo era, were already eating beef.

The reason is because they handled dead animals. That was their job back then.

In accordance with Westernization, Japanese have assimilated to the new customs and culture since Japan opened itself to foreigners, Eating beef is also was one of them.


The Difference Between 鮨 and 寿司

Sometimes, I feel embarrassed when I am asked about something Japanese, and cannot answer properly, with I am a Japanese.

So this time, I am going to write an article with trivia related to my country Japan.

The first trivia that I want to share with you is "Sushi".

Sushi, the representative food of Japan, is gaining in popularity across the world, not to mention even in the Philippines.

Foreigners, who have been to sushi bars or restaurants i  Japan, probably realized that there are two different kinds of kanji of sushi.

鮨 and 寿司

I am pretty sure that foreigners are more sensitive about such a difference than we are, which I really admire their keen and incredible observations by the way.

Sushi was originated at Edo (江戸) era. People back then, in order to avoid spoiling, preserved fish with salt, and added rice which actually accelerated the fermentation.

Google says, according to historical facts, that the kanji, 鮨, was used ahead of 寿司. However, at some point, Japanese changed 鮨 into different kanji by using 寿 that represents "celebrations"(お祝い).

That's why we eat sushi when something that deserves celebrations happens.

そのような漢字を「縁起がいい」と呼びます。英語ではsign of good luckです。
We call that kind of kanji "engi ga ii"(縁起がいい), which means "sign of good luck" in English.

Therefore, most sushi bars or restaurants prefer 寿司, expecting their sales raise. But, of course 鮨 is still fine to use


Life is a choice

It was April when I submitted an application form for dropout at a university where I used to study in Japan. I still remember I was kind of bewildered that the process has been done so easily. It seemed like they didn't even give me time to think it over again. Having left Admission Department, I told myself, "It is going to be alright". Raising my eyes to full-bloomed cherry blossom tress, I made up my mind, no matter what, that I would never come back to this university to fulfill what I had decided. I don't want to deem myself as a person who derailed on the path where a lot of people are supposed to pass, but as one who got off the train and decided to walk on the rail.

Life is choice. I would rather think what I decided is, most of the time, right. 


Philippine literature: Bamboo in the Wind

Bamboo in the Wind. winner of the 1990 Palanca Grand Prize for Novel, tells about the Filipinos under martial law that was declared during the Marcos era in 1972. 
After having finished reading the novel, complicated feelings lifted up in my chest. At the same time, I couldn't help having an admiration toward the Filipinos back then who enthusiastically participated in demonstrations for the sake of freedom and to make a change in the nation. Martial law actually massacred a lot of people regardless of age, sex, and social status. There were some accounts from which I involuntarily turned my eyes away: that women got assaulted, men killed in brutal ways. This is one of the saddest tragedy that have occurred inside the country. 

"Bamboo" represents the Filipinos themselves, and "Wind" represents political power in the novel. Even if the wind blows away, and hits bamboo with enormous power, the bent bamboo never breaks but remains quiet and strong.

I really want to encourage Japanese to read this novel, which would give them some knowledge about Philippine history. You would have a perspective that is totally different from the one prior to read this novel. 


パランカ・グランド最優秀賞を勝ち取ったBamboo in the Windはマルコス時代に宣言された戒厳令の下に置かれたフィリピン国民について書かれています。この小説を読み終えた後、複雑な気持ちが胸にこみ上げてきたと同時に、自由を得るために熱狂的にデモに参加したフィリピン国民に対する尊敬の意を持たずにはいられませんでした。戒厳令は年齢、性別そして社会的地位に関係なくたくさんの人々を虐殺しました。女性が強姦されたり、男性が残酷なやり方で殺されたりと、見るに耐えない描写もありました。これはフィリピン国内で起こった最も悲しい悲劇でしょう。




Social Dance

I don't want to post something negative here, but let me complain regarding people around me. My college, supposedly known for high education, is exclusive for girls. I will not mention the specific name of my college for my privacy. I am taking social dance in PE in this semester. We have the competition, which is equivalent to our final. And, we need find a partner who can dance with us. Some of my block mates whose families rich seem to have a kind of thought that money can solve any problem. I will write down here money I have spent so far just for the subject.

  1. Paid for choreography
  2. Paid for very expensive costume
  3. Paid for hair and make up (for the competition)
  4. Paid for my partner's costume
I think I already spent P 3,000 just for PE that is not actually my major subject. I found this ridiculous and crazy. As for a partner, it is really hard for me find one who can go to my college even just for practice during day time. I was dumbfounded with what our professor said, "In the Philippines, when you enter a company, there is a dance party. So you guys have to prepare for that while you are in college". I want to ask Filipinos who are working right now, "all businessmen and businesswomen here can dance?"