A lot of people ten to generalize; Japanese are hardworking and Americans are crazy about fast food.
Generalizing gives us brief images of something unknown, but at the same time, it gives us biases and prejudices.
Some Japanese have a bias toward the Filipinos, for example, they still tend to associate Filipino women in Japan with hostesses. Furthermore, Filipino men are lazy to work, like couch potatoes.
Those kinds of Japanese probably don't know that Filipinos, especially the ones working abroad, are well-acknowledged as hardworking people all over the world, which is actually something that cannot be compared with us Japanese. Some Filipinos are already in a high position in a company, having a lot of subordinates.
I cannot generalize the Filipinos because the Philippines is an archipelago consisting of more than 7,000 islands, which means that there different kinds of people, customs, and food in each one of its regions. It is also the same thing as Japan.
It is not that all information that you can get from the Internet is true. If you visit a country that you have been interested in, sometimes you would be puzzled by the gap of the image that you had before going and what you can see with your own eyes.
We also need to be reminded that generalizing makes people ignorant sometimes.