
A Risk of Generalizing 一般化のリスク

A lot of people ten to generalize; Japanese are hardworking and Americans are crazy about fast food. 

Generalizing gives us brief images of something unknown, but at the same time, it gives us biases and prejudices.

Some Japanese have a bias toward the Filipinos, for example, they still tend to associate Filipino women in Japan with hostesses. Furthermore, Filipino men are lazy to work, like couch potatoes. 

Those kinds of Japanese probably don't know that Filipinos, especially the ones working abroad, are well-acknowledged as hardworking people all over the world, which is actually something that cannot be compared with us Japanese. Some Filipinos are already in a high position in a company, having a lot of subordinates. 

I cannot generalize the Filipinos because the Philippines is an archipelago consisting of more than  7,000 islands, which means that there different kinds of people, customs, and food in each one of its regions. It is also the same thing as Japan.

It is not that all information that you can get from the Internet is true. If you visit a country that you have been interested in, sometimes you would be puzzled by the gap of the image that you had before going and what you can see with your own eyes.

We also need to be reminded that generalizing makes people ignorant sometimes.  


Have I been Filipinized? フィリピン人化?

I didn't realize how my surroundings affected my personality and attitude, while living on the Philippines. But, it became obvious when I went back to my country. Sometimes, I find it funny if I follow the Filipino customs in Japan.

For example:

  1. Jaywalking (信号無視)
  2. Neither put a tray away not throw trash away in a bin at a fast-food restaurant. If the tray disturbs my space, place it on the next table. (ファストフード店で、トレーを片付けない、ゴミをゴミ箱に捨てない。トレーが邪魔だと感じたら、隣のテーブルに置いてしまう)
  3. If something undesirable happens, tend to say "Ay naku!". (何か望ましくないことが起きたとき、「*アイナコ!」と言ってしまう)
  4. When greeting someone, lift the eyebrows. (誰かに挨拶するときに、両眉を上げてしまう)

On the other hand, because if I get to used to the Philippine environments, sometimes I find it strange if something that would be supposed to happen to me in the Philippines doesn't happen to me in Japan, one example is that men offer seat to women in the train.

One time, I was standing holding onto a strap in a train. A lady sitting right in front of me stood up and  got down shortly after the train stopped at a station. I was thinking whether I should sit or not for a while, looking at the vacant seat.

However, all of a sudden, a man wearing corporate attire sat down there without any hesitation! Ay naku, talaga naman!!

In the Philippines, men are, most of the time, the ones who give up on their seat for women in the train. That is why I was a little bit upset at the man but I had to cool down and try to think like, "That is not an usual thing in Japan".

I came to the point that the reason why Filipino women can work is the understanding and support from Filipino husbands.


Behave yourself, please

A couple of days ago, I was having coffee in the middle of the night at MacDonald's. Meanwhile, I saw two men enter, talking loudly.

At first, I thought they were Chinese but the language that they were using was actually Japanese. The two men wearing casual clothes, one aged 30 plus and the other one aged 20 plus, didn't look like expats.

For me, Japanese expats here look decent even if they wear casual clothes.

A few minutes later, when I took a glance at them they were still in the middle of ordering. I was wondering what took them so long?

The older one already left the counter and sat down, but the younger one was still at the counter and talking to staff, to my surprise, in Japanese.

The staff were trying to explain about an additional charge to him in English, but his responses were all in Japanese.

He seemed upset. Was that because the staff weren't able to understand his Japanese or he was just upset with himself because of his low English level?

I felt like he was about to rant.

Anyway, I found him crazy and felt embarrassed as fellow a countryman. I could tell that he is not well-mannered here or even in Japan.

That kind of person just comes to the Philippines and ends up leaving a bad impression on Filipinos. That's what I hate the most.


What can we learn from the Filipinos? フィリピン人から何を学ぶことができるのか?

昨日、ACR I カードを受け取りにケソン市の市役所に入っているイミグレーションに行かなければなりませんでした。そこへ行くのは初めてだったので、大学の職員にどうやって行くのか聞きました。
Yesterday, I had to go to the immigration inside of the City Hall in Quezon City to get my renewed ACR I-card. Actually, it was my first time going there so I asked one of my school staff how to get there.

I took MRT, and got off at GMA station. So far so good, but my biggest challenge was to get on a jeep going to the City Hall. I had to take a careful look at the destinations written on the side of a jeep. To double-check, I also asked the jeep driver whether this jeep went to the City Hall.

After paying the jeep fare P 8, I was thinking when I should say "pala" to the jeep driver because I had no ides of what the City Hall looked like.

Basically, there are no jeep stops. That's why I asked a Filipino passenger who was sitting facing me where I should get off. He  said in Taglish, "sige, but I have to get off in a while, so I will ask another passenger to let you know".

When the jeep was almost near the City Hall, some passengers who were not even asked by the guy earlier to let me know kindly told me, "dito, dito!". That is nice of the Filipinos!

When someone is in trouble, they are willing to help him or her. Thanks to those kind passengers, I was finally able to get to the City Hall!

I don't know they noticed that I was a foreigner, but regardless of nationality Filipinos usually help people who are in trouble.

Sometimes I feel that some Japanese, especially in Tokyo, are cold. They even happen to see a person apparently doesn't know what to do, they just ignore and pass by the person.

If I encounter situations like that in Japan, I will definitely help other people just as the Filipino passengers in the jeep did for me.

If I feel good as to what other people have done for me, at least I have a kind of responsibility to spread it out by taking action.


Are You Butthurtpinoy?

Since I am on summer vacation right now, in order for me to understand the Philippines more, I watch some videos on Youtube related to the country everyday.

Of course, I take a look at comments of the videos as well so that I will know how other people think about this country.

I think that Filipinos basically like to leave a comment, and to share their thoughts. On the other hand, we Japanese are not willing to do so because of our language barrier English. Or we might not be that opinionated even on the internet.

I have recently happened to see an interesting term that indicates some Filipinos, which is called "butthurtpinoy".

According to what people say, it means defensive and vulnerable Filipinos who cannot take any criticism when it comes to their own country. And, they often use a proud-to-be-pinoy term when other Filipinos did something great that makes people worldwide acknowledge them as really talented ones.

It is natural for the Filipinos to feel good about that, but the problem with butthurtpinoys is that they feel good as if they also did something great.

Any achievements made by Filipinos should stimulate and motivate the others in such a way they would also want to achieve something in their lives.

しかしながら、 butthurtpinoyはそうは考えません。むしろ、他の新たな業績がなされるのを待っているようにも思われます。
However, butthurtpinoy don't think like that. Rather, they seem to be waiting for the next achievement that would be made by other Filipinos.

I noticed that some are already pissed off with those Pinoys.