With the high rate of the economic growth, the Philippines has been progressive in the past few years.
A lot of Japanese who visited the country during 1980s, which is considered "Bubble Economy Era" in Japan, would be amazed with the number of modernized buildings and luxury condos when they visit here again.
The purpose of going to the Philippines might have been shifted from personal pleasures to the interest in the country itself.
9月に発行された「BizNews Asia」によりますと、フィリピンは海洋生物多様性、船員数、コールセンターそしておそらく音楽家の部門では世界で1位です。
According to BizNews Asia, issued September 14, 2015, it says that, 'the Philippines is No.1 in marine biodiversity, in seafarers and sailors, call centers, and maybe musicians.
We are No.2 in business processing outsourcing. We have the third largest coastline.
We are fourth in the world in gold and shipbuilding, and fifth in all other mineral resources.
We are No.12 in human resources, and the Filipino expatriates are the preferred employees elsewhere in the world.
However, the Philippines is prone to be acknowledged as one of the most corrupted countries in spite of those blessings of nature and honors.
President Aquino has manifested anti corruption but, as the Filipinos know, it really dies hard.
In my opinion, the Philippines should focus more on what they have to improve after President Aquino's term, which is 2016.
Felino Palafox Jr. in the said magazine proposes that, in order for the Philippines to take a leap, five factors could be attributed to its further transformation:
- Visionary leadership (目に見えるリーダシップ)
- Political ills
- Good planning (計画的)
- Good design (しっかりとした骨組み)
- Good governance (良い政治)
The dispute with China has been a big concern in the Philippines. Based on the article "View of Territorial Disputes with China" from The Economist, issued September 18, 2015, about 95% of the Filipinos, which is ranked 1st in the countries in Asian-Pasific region are concerned about the Territorial Issue. (the source: http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2015/09/daily-chart-14?fsrc=circ%7Ccnt%7Cfbasiasf)
On the other hand, Japan is ranked 2nd, which explains that Japan and the Philippines are now in the same boat.
Considering the approval of the security bill, Japan has made a good move to prepare itself to fight against China.
However, this should not be offensive fight but defensive fight.
I think the Philippines could strengthen its tie with Japan even more than before as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has committed to make a change for our friendly nations and, of course for our nation.
I don't know exactly what will happen to the Philippines in the future, but I believe that this nation could get back the glory when the country was once leading ahead in Asia from 1900s to 1970s.
And, no one can call them "Sick man of Asia" anymore.
Felino A. (2015, September). Greatness Recaptured.
BizNews Asia, 1655-7263.
How Asians View Each other (2015, September). The
Retrieved from http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2015/09/daily-chart-14?fsrc=circ%7Ccnt%7Cfbasiasf